Doctor-Directed Care

Your journey for better sleep starts with byteSense Smart Guards. Take your 30-sec quiz to begin today.

Industry expertise

An experienced network of licensed dentists and orthodontists are here to oversee your treatment and help you get a smile you’ll love.

Dedicated to Health & Protection

The byteSense Smart Night Guard is crafted with cutting-edge technology to monitor and protect your oral health. Every guard is customized to fit your unique dental profile, using advanced data analysis from your personal health metrics. Our process ensures comfort, safety, and effectiveness.

Smart Health Oversight

Effortlessly stay on top of your wellness journey. byteSense’s intuitive app gives you real-time access to your oral health data, with continuous oversight from our clinical team. Your progress is tracked with precision, and you can reach out to your care team for guidance anytime, 7 days a week—all from the comfort of your home.

Your clinical team

Your byteSense experience is supported by a professional team that oversees your progress. Through our easy-to-use app, they monitor your progress and provide real-time feedback to ensure you’re always on the right path. Private, convenient, and available 7 days a week, your care team is there when you need them.
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